How many decibels of deafness is normal?

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  • Source:Widex Hearing Aids

The ear is a very important organ of ours. If it malfunctions, we will not be able to hear the sounds from the outside world very well. However, some people in life will always suffer certain damage to their ears due to one or other reasons, resulting in deafness.

What decibel level is considered normal for ear hearing?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 according to the WHO 1980 deafness classification standards, the average speech frequency pure tone hearing threshold is divided into 5 levels.

Mild deafness: There is no difficulty in listening to general conversations at close range. The audiometer checks the pure tone and speech hearing thresholds at 26-40dB.
Moderate deafness: It is difficult to hear words at close range, the hearing threshold is 41-55dB

Moderate and severe deafness: It is difficult to hear loud speech at close range, the hearing threshold is 56-70dB.

Severe deafness: Only when you shout loudly in the ear can you hear it, the hearing threshold is 71-90dB.

Total deafness: unable to hear loud shouting in the ear, pure tone hearing threshold exceeds 91dB.

If you live in a noise environment above 85 decibels for a long time, up to 50% of people will be deaf. And accompanied by tinnitus, earache and other symptoms. When we find it difficult to hear sounds, it means that you are likely to have hearing loss. If you want to know your accurate hearing loss, you still need to go to the hospital or a fitting center to have your hearing checked.

According to data from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), continuous exposure to noise of 85 decibels can cause harm to the human body. For reference, the noise produced by honking the horn during a traffic jam is 85 decibels, the roar of a motorcycle is 95 decibels, the sound of a police siren is 120 decibels, and the explosion of guns and fireworks is as high as 150 decibels.

So, if you stay at a music festival for a few hours, it’s like having sirens blaring in your ears for hours. Now that you’ve been listening to the sonic onslaught of roaring noises for hours on end, you’re not far away from hearing fireworks exploding in your ears all day long.

What are the treatment and rehabilitation methods for deafness? (1) Drug treatment: Drugs such as improving inner ear microcirculation and nourishing hair cells are taken in the short term after the onset of deafness. treat. Because the hair cells in the inner ear of sensorineural deafness are necrotic and fall off and cannot regenerate, medication is not a panacea. The longer the deafness lasts, the less likely it is to be cured. For example, medication can still be treated 1-3 weeks after sudden deafness, but if it exceeds 3 weeks, the effect will be poor. (2) Hearing Aids: So far the most practical and effective means of hearing compensation and rehabilitation for patients with sensorineural deafness or conductive deafness who have lost the opportunity for drugs and surgery. (3) Electronic cochlear surgery: It is suitable for patients with severe deafness who are ineffective in wearing hearing aids. It is generally considered to be more effective for children under 5 years old and adults with postlingual deafness, but it is more expensive and its clinical application is limited.

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