Are there any psychological barriers if you have hearing problems?

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  • Source:Widex Hearing Aids

The way humans receive external information mainly relies on listening, seeing, touching and smelling. Among them, listening and watching are the most important ways. Innate hearing is crucial. Before birth, we can hear even though we cannot see. Even in a deep coma, people can often hear what is happening around them. Hearing will affect language acquisition

Will hearing problems cause psychological barriers?

1. The psychology of hearing-impaired children
Before the age of two or three, hearing-impaired children do not know who they are. Physical defects, innocent and lively, carefree. But when you grow up and become a little more sensible, difficulties in communication can easily leave a shadow in your heart, hindering your healthy mental development and burying potential hidden dangers. The main manifestations are:
(1) Lack of ability to communicate with the environment And opportunities lead to mental retardation; when you are with healthy children, see others talking, and are unable to communicate with other children, you will have a strong sense of loneliness.
(2) Causes abnormal personality development, manifested as behavioral withdrawal, timidity, low self-esteem, and loneliness.
(3) Due to the influence of hearing and speech impairment, there are obvious flaws in the understanding and understanding of external things. We often rely too much on visual observation of other people's expressions and movements, which makes people feel abnormal or not sensitive enough. Over time, their self-esteem will be frustrated and their mood will be depressed.
(4) Because the imagination of hearing-impaired children is actually very rich, and their observation skills are also extremely keen. If they are not accepted by the environment, some will develop emotions such as indifference, withdrawal, and inferiority, which will affect their psychological well-being. obstacles, and show excessive dependence, stubbornness, willfulness, etc.
Many hearing-impaired children have a strong dependence on their parents. Common psychological and behavioral disorders in hearing-impaired children include: mutism, withdrawal, shrinkage, hyperactivity, willfulness, self-centeredness, etc. Some hearing-impaired children also There will be manifestations such as impulsiveness and aggressive behavior.

2. The psychology of adults with hearing impairment
Hearing with one earPower loss generally does not affect normal communication, but it can affect the localization of sound sources and conversations in noisy environments. Some adults with hearing impairment who have mild to moderate hearing loss may not realize that they have hearing impairment at first. They often speak loudly, often ask for narration when communicating with others, or turn up the TV too loudly when watching TV. When hearing test results confirm hearing loss, adults with hearing impairment often find it difficult to accept the fact of their hearing loss and deny its existence. He may also be aware that he has communication difficulties, but because he associates hearing loss with aging, he sees wearing a hearing aid as a sign of aging and is unwilling to accept it. This type of hearing-impaired person will show a sense of nervousness when they encounter important events and need to talk. Over time, they may become depressed, grumpy, and irritable because of this.
People with severe hearing impairment in both ears will bring certain restrictions on work, employment, marriage, etc., which will cause hearing impairment people to have varying degrees of psychological pressure. Some people with sensorineural hearing impairment seek medical treatment everywhere, spending a lot of money, and with no obvious curative effect, which often leads to psychological loss, anxiety and depression.

3. The psychology of people with senile hearing impairment
People with senile hearing impairment often have a further decline in their speech understanding ability due to hearing impairment, and they are unable to go out. Convenience and reduced communication with children at home can easily make them grumpy and psychologically lonely.
Children and spouses should often accompany the elderly person for a walk outside, and use vision, touch, smell, and taste to compensate for his hearing deficiency. Therefore, if your children find that the elderly have hearing impairment, do not allow it to progress and take them for audiometry as soon as possible for intervention and treatment. Hearing impairment can cause the elderly to often answer questions incorrectly or misunderstand the questions during communication, which will inevitably lead to the elderly being intimidated, afraid of communicating with others, and afraid of seeing the complaining eyes of others, resulting in depression and loneliness. If ignored at this time, it will cause consequences to the elderly. Psychological trauma.

Therefore, if you find that you have hearing impairment, do not let it develop. Take them for an audiometry examination as soon as possible for intervention and treatment. Hearing impairment can cause people to often answer questions incorrectly or understand mistakes during communication, which will inevitably lead to shrinkage, fear of communicating with others, fear of seeing the complaining eyes of others, and depression and loneliness. If ignored at this time, it will cause psychological problems for the elderly. trauma.

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